Saturday, January 22, 2011

To Know You (Casting Crowns)

A couple of weeks ago (Tues,Jan4-Sat, Jan8) I was really stressed. I had a wonderful time being at home for Christmas and New Years was nice as well. I was able to help with my host sister's Quince (15th birthday) and really relax. But the week before preschool started I began to get overwhelmed. I had to prepare for preschool and still had no teacher, chess club was starting and wondering if anyone would show up, and I was starting to teach Adult ESL with no experience.

What got me through that week was this song...

To Know You by Casting Crowns

To know you is never worry for my life
To know you is to never to give in or compromise
To know you is to want to tell the world about you
Cause I can’t live without you

To know you is to hear your voice when you are calling
To know you is to catch my brother when he is falling
To know you is to feel the pain of the broken hearted
Cause they can’t live without you

More than my next breath
More than life or death
All I’m reaching for, I live my life to know you more
I leave it all behind, you’re all that satisfies
To know you is to want to know you more

To know you is to ache for more than ordinary
To know you is to look beyond the temporary
To know you is believing that you will be enough
Cause there is no life without you

All this life could offer me, could not compare to you
Compare to you
And I count it all as lost, compared to knowing you
Knowing you

I'm so glad God continues to remind me that He is there and watching over me. I always question Him---Does He really know me? Why does He put me in this place? Why does life get this way? Am I ever going to make it through?

When life gets dark and hopeless---which I've experienced so many times. I continue to look at Him and light eventually comes...whether it's what I hoped for or something totally different.

Anyways that first week went really well...

Preschool---a woman who was previously helping recommended her niece who just move into the village. Her niece is a licensed teacher and has been doing well with the kids. She has awesome ideas with decorating the classroom, comes early and stays late to lesson plan, is patience with the kids, and overall knows how to handle the class. I pray she stays. We now have 18 children and about 15 come everyday. Last year only 8 children came to class. I pray this continues. Also, my preschool application is complete and I'm going to be making an appointment this week with the Ministry of Ed. I hope things go smoothly. BTW--my host sister Cesi is coming to class and she is too cute. Even though she cant down---she loves playing with the kids and has gotten closer to me. She brightens my day.

Chess---the teacher (one of my preschool student's dad) is really great at teaching the game and about 11 children come. I'm really happy with how that is working out. Plus, I'm relearning how to play chess---I'm learning to appreciate the game more.

ESL---it's hard preparing for the class because you want to be an excellent teacher and I really want the students to learn. It's alot of pressure I place on myself. However the adults that attend the class are very motivated and eager to learn---it's really precious and makes this so rewarding. I just pray that I improve in teaching and really reach out to these adults.


I know it's been awhile since I've written but there have been lots of blessings these past few months. Besides what's written above...

1) Housing-My house finally is finished and you can see pictures on facebook. I love it! I feel comfortable there and am so proud of it. God really showed me His faithfulness. Men in the village helped built it and the chairman's wife helped decorate it. It's cute.

2)Mom& Dad visit- Really happy they got to meet everyone here. The trip helped eased their fears and reminded them of India. We saw the Maya temple (Xunantinch), saw both of my host families, met two Malayalee families, and had a great time together. Plus, they brought me yummy treats and other goodies (thanks Joslin and Joshmy). Overall, it was comforting for me to have them see this part of my life. Now when we talk they know what I'm talking about and who I'm talking about.

3)Thanksgiving- Went to Southern Belize called Punta Gorda and had Thanksgiving dinner with the volunteers there. It was really special and even though it wasnt home---it was wonderful. I felt closeness with all of them and genuine care. PLUS, this was the day Joslin called saying friends from home were buying my ticket home. It was an awesome day and totally icing on the cake.

4)Christmas- LOVED IT!! I'm so happy I got to see most of my friends and family.It was great, even though it went fast and was intense. I ate great food (cutlet, puffs, pizza--Jets:thanks Joslin, burgers, sweets---redvelvet cake:thanks to josh)---mom's awesome cooking, chachi/Lori awesome sugar cookies,etc. The trip overall reminded me of how blessed I am. I have people who love me and I love them:)

Alright that's it for now...


  1. Great update and writing, Babe in Belize!!!!

    No need for all the shout-outs.

    LOVE YOU! Good talking to you this week!!!! Keep writing. :)

  2. Loved the update. That song really encouraged me today. Thank you for walking with Jesus Els. Praying for you sister. :)
